Recorrido por el oasis agrícola mendocino y zonas de cultivo de la vid. Visitaremos 2 importantes y tradicionales establecimientos vitivinícolas, el primero más industrializado y de mayor envergadura, en el segundo podremos observar procedimientos tradicionales, por ser una bodega mucho más pequeña y artesanal. En ambas, tendremos oportunidad de degustar sus exquisitos productos. Luego se visitará la fábrica de aceite de oliva Pasrai en donde degustaremos su tradicional aceite de oliva.
This tour among vineyards will show you how the human effort has transformed the desert into an oasis trough an inherited from the Huarpes, the native inhabitants of the region. Nowadays drip irrigation is also used. Both have helped this land to become one of the principal wine world producers, with products of outstanding quality. We will visit 2 important and traditional wine establishments, the first one more industrialized and of greater scope, in the second we will be able to observe traditional procedures, for being a much smaller and artisan winery. In both, we will have opportunity to taste their delicious wines.
Then you will visit Pasrai, an Olive Oil producer establishment.